Not able to create Ansible tower template job through an API call


I am trying to make an API call using curl command from my unix box to create template job in Ansible tower with my login credentials. I am getting error “You do not have permission to perform this action”.

However I am able to perform other POST actions like creating inventory, adding host to inventory and other GET api calls.

Below my code snippet

curl -k -s -u $CREDENTIAL -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json”
– data ‘{
“name”: “”
“job_type”: “”
“inventory”: “”
“project”: “”
“playbook”: “”
“verbosity”: “”

I am not able to see any examples in google for creating a job template, but in the below ansible site APIs are present,

Is it possible to create job template via API?

I have no idea, but this is the ansible mailing list.
You will probably get a better response on the dedicated awx list:

Yes you can refer the sex mailing list … But what error in api call request are you facing?