Unable to find image 'awx_redis:latest' locally

Unable to find image ‘awx_redis:latest’ locally. This is ma error, can you help me?


Thanks for this demonstration of politeness…
Please give some details about your environment, we’re not magician and won’t guess what is your environment/settings and what you’re trying to do.

The server has been restarted for maintenance and I can no longer power on ansible containers. I am using this command
docker start awx_redis
docker start awx_postgres
docker start awx_web
docker start awx_task

Previously I was able to turn on these processes and now I can’t anymore and the log sends the following error

dockerd-current: time=“2024-05-27T12:44:50.998418923-06:00” level=error msg=“Handler for POST /v1.26/containers/awx_redis/start returned error: No such container: awx_redis”

19ecb716d5c0 ansible/awx:12.0.0 “tini – /usr/bin/…” 2 years ago Up 8 days 8052/tcp awx_task
3cee694139e8 ansible/awx:12.0.0 “tini – /bin/sh -…” 2 years ago Up 8 days 8052/tcp,>8053/tcp awx_web
44859643333c postgres:10 “docker-entrypoint…” 3 years ago Up 8 days 5432/tcp awx_postgres
e917df8dc201 redis “docker-entrypoint…” 3 years ago Up 8 days 6379/tcp

Please try to format your posts with triple backticks

Start and end with three of these: `

Or using a single backtick to highlight specific code/commands, etc

In your docker container ls output, Container ID: e917df8dc201 does not appear to have a name, but this is the redis container. Created 3 years ago, and up for 8 days.

docker container rename e917df8dc201 awx_redis should add the name to it, but if you’re using docker compose, you might need to update that yaml too.