I feel this should be easy.
I’m trying to put a fact I set on each server into one central list.
sat_id is the Big List
sat_id_raw is the variable that I set earlier in the automation.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance
name: Put all of the var into a big list
sat_id: “{{ sat_id }} + [‘{{ sat_id_raw }}’]”
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Print object type
var: sat_id
delegate_to: localhost
TASK [Facts-list : Put all of the vars into a big list] *****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [MY-SERVER1 → localhost] => {
“ansible_facts”: {
“sat_id”: [
“changed”: false
ok: [MY-SERVER2 → localhost] => {
“ansible_facts”: {
“sat_id”: [
“changed”: false
TASK [Facts-list : Print object type] ***********************************************************************************************************************
task path: /data/grskelt/satellite-devel/satellite-contentviews-list/tasks/main.yml:96
ok: [MY-SERVER1 → localhost] => {
“sat_id”: [
ok: [MY-SERVER2 → localhost] => {
“sat_id”: [