set facts with loops


I am looking to concatenate variables in an array from a with_fileglob but i am not sure that set_fact works with loops


  • hosts : all
    myfiles : [“old”]
  • name: “facts”
    myfiles: “{{ [item] | union(myfiles) }}”
  • “new1”
  • “new2”
  • “new3”
  • name: “Debug”

The output

"myfiles": [ "new3", "old" ]

Only the last item is added. any ideas ?

Just for starters, with version of ansible are you using?

I’d probably be tempted to just declare “my_files” as a list, in this particular case, it would make the playbook more readable.

I’m interested in the non-abstract use case though.

I use the dev branch. Unfortunately we use chef also. i hope will be replaced soon. Till then i have to use some data bags. So i have a bunch of json file i need to put in a list and start using some of variables.

Ah ok, I’m wondering if maybe you might want to write a custom lookup plugin that is something like “with_databag” ?

That’s a little abstract, but maybe the cleanest way to model it and show you are looping over a chef databag still.

That’s just a thought and may not entirely be appropriate, but would probably read cleaner as well.


I might go this way. Should be simple enough
