"This module requires the passlib Python library"}

I’m hoping someone can help me out.

I have a playbook to install Graylog2 on an EC2 host. The playbook fails on:

‘TASK [graylog : setting nginx pass]’

with the following error:

‘FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “failed”: true, “msg”: “This module requires the passlib Python library”}’

Within the .yml file for this particular role I have:

  • name: install python-passlib
    yum: name=python-passlib state=present
    tags: graylog2

which is before the setting nginx pass task:

  • name: setting nginx pass
    htpasswd: path=/etc/nginx/htpasswd.users name=name password=password owner=root group=root mode=0640
    tags: graylog2

Has anyone else come across this issue previously? Any advice on how to resolve?

Thanks, Matt

what version of passlib? docs say 1.6 or better. IIRC EPEL6 has 1.5.something.
EL7 should be ok.

Hi Dick,

Thanks for the response. It looks like version 1.5 is installed.

How would I go about installing version 1.6 or 1.7?

Many thanks, Matt

Just in case anyone else stumbles across this issue.

I had to install passlib with pip.

This is what I replaced the yum task with:

  • name: Install passlibb with pip

pip: name=passlib

Thanks for the help Dick.