Ansible sshpass requirement

Does anyone have any background information on why in ansible, the sshpass program has become a requirement?

I got the following error while running a playbook thats worked up until immediately after I upgraded:


TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [REDACTED]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “to use the ‘ssh’ connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program”}


The repository is using a username and password - but for good reason, part of the play sets up user accounts. (yes there are other ways, but this is our setup)

I noticed at least someone else has the issue:

And some other fixes:

However - Im in an environment where downloads from sourceforge are denied, so I’m a bit stuck at the moment. I can’t change that.

Can anyone with information about the release explain whats changed to cause this to be a requirement now?
We need to understand what we can do to work around it, and keep our ansible up to date.

The sshpass program has always been required when using the ssh plugin
and a password prompt.

Ansible defaults to 'smart' connection plugin which tries to detect
Openssh (issues with old versions) and OS X (due to crashing kernel
with ssh) to decide between using paramiko (which does not require
this program) and ssh connection plugins.

If you are forcing the usage of the ssh plugin and/or the detection in
OS X is now returning 'ssh' instead of paramiko you would see this