The powershell shell family is incompatible with the sudo become plugin


I m configuring windows host on windows 10 virtual machine. My control node is Redhat OS 8 virtual machine. This is for the developer testing setup. I get below error when I do
$ansible -vvv winsvr -i /etc/ansible/hosts -m win_ping

“The powershell shell family is incompatible with the sudo become plugin”. Why do I get this error. Any help to fix this issue is appreciated

This indicates that in your inventory you have indicated ansible_become=true, however you have not specified ansible_become_method=runas for the Windows hosts.

Thankyou Matt your solution worked perfectly.


I am also getting the same error but i couldn’t mentioned ‘ansible_become=true’ in my inventory file. where should i need to specify “ansible_become_method=runas”.Plz help me sortout this issue. Thank you in advance.

Please don’t hijack a thread just because you see a similar error.

Instead start a new one, which will also allow you to provide the information that is needed to answer your question (playbook, inventory, etc).
In any case make sure you first read and understand what is means, especially the windows sections at the bottom.