The new Galaxy is completely broken

Lost all history of ansible role after delete of a another role i reported a problem 21 days ago, i got a whopping 0 replies on it. So how i am suppose to get ‘support’ ? Where to address these type of things. I can only imagine people that put a lot of effort in like Jeff how they should feel.

My main issue isn’t that Galaxy is being reworked, my issue is the fact that it’s being rolled out forcibly, when it’s clearly, totally not ready to go live. It’s no comfort that managers are “talking about issues”, and they’ll be sorted out “eventually”, it’s been months and my roles are still unusable because you don’t fix things in a timely manner.

It took me weeks to even be able to register on this forum, the only way to talk about issues, because it said there are “issues” with my username, or email, or password, even though it put big green check marks on all three. I even tried to reach out on Twitter, no response. All other support is put behind a paywall for paying RH customers. Now after a couple of weeks I was finally able to register here, so now I can at least talk about how broken things are.

And the “improvements” like the docs viewer isn’t any comfort either. Get the MAIN functionality to work first, then talk about eye candy. Also some very basic stuff that (if I understand correctly) won’t even be available in the web UI, like adding and syncing roles. You’ll only be able to do things from the CLI. How is removing existing, working, basic functionality an improvement? I really don’t get the whole thing.

But like I said, feel free to play around the new version, do stuff with it, evaluate changes. In a sandbox. Not in production. Because it’s breaking everyone’s stuff, and I’m in the process of trying to find new ways to deploy my roles, because clearly, Galaxy is not a place to rely on. It’s completely unacceptable to leave things broken for months. We do and use these things as part of our livelihood.

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Hello @riemers , I just left a reply to your post and we will try to give visibility to your request and help over there.

Hi @bviktor, thank you for your feedback. I’m leaving a small update to mention where the discussion around your post moved by @gwmngilfen and that it wasn’t simply ignored. The topic around these comments is below for reference:

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