Hi guys,
I need to run my roles as different user. However, the users don’t have login permissions. I need to su after logon with the user that executes the ansible playbook.
I’ve already stored the different user ids and passwords in a vault. But I don’t know where to point to the password.
- hosts: abc1
su: yes
su_user: “{{ sysabc1 }}”
??? su_password: “{{ sysabc1_pwd }}”
Ok, I’ve got a working solution after some trial and error. Here it is for reference …
Role vars, where sysipf1_pwd is stored in a vault:
Enter code here…—
file: roles/java/vars/main.yml
ansible_become_pass: “{{ sysipf1_pwd }}”
java_directory: “{{ ipf_soft_dir }}/java”
java_archive: server-jre-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz
java_path: “{{ java_directory }}/jdk1.8.0_45/bin”
java_home: “{{ java_path }}/java”
The play:
Enter code here…—
This is the playbook to install java.
- hosts: ansible
become: yes
become_method: su
become_user: “{{ sysipf1_user}}”
- java
What still confuses me is why it doesn’t work to put the become-directives entirely in the vars file: