Change user while executing ansible script.


I am trying to figure out, if the below scenario is possible and if so, how I can achieve it.

My target machine and ansible host is the same machine. There are 2 users, user-1(non-sudo privilege), user-2 (sudo privilege). Both user-1 and user-2 have passwords. I am logged in to my Ansible host as a user-1(non-sudo privilege) and execute an ansible script. I need to execute this ansible script with sudo privileges meaning as user-2(with sudo privilege). Also the password entry should be non-interactive. Is there a way to do this using group_vars or any other way?

Thanks in advance.

If you store the password in a vaulted file I believe you can use su as the become method and accomplish this result.

Can you please provide an example or reference??

Become documentation.

Ansible Vault

It seems as though you need the root password and you should use a become method of ‘su’ to get done what you need done.

I’m not sure why you wouldn’t just add user-1 to sudoers, though.