--start-at-task option

Hi All,

Is there a way to set the --start-at-task option for a Template/Job?

We have playbooks with 200+ tasks, which occasionally fails (normal) due to poor connectivity to field iot devices. The poor connectivity also make the execution very long (40min). In ansible we cache facts along the way, so we can start back at any task, but not sure how to start execution where it failed using AWX.

A million thanks!


Hi there,

Sorry for digging up this old thread but did you eventually get an answer for your question?

I am interested in it too and the only thing I could find was a mention of --start-at in the notification API (https://docs.ansible.com/automation-controller/latest/html/userguide/notification_parameters_supported.html) and in the API documentation itself (https://docs.ansible.com/automation-controller/latest/html/controllerapi/api_ref.html#/Organizations/Organizations_organizations_job_templates_create) but don’t see it exposed in the UI so far (AWX 19.4.0).

Thanks for the insight.



You raise a valid point. Job templates support selecting tags, but do not support the --start-at-task option. The job template options roughly correspond to the options for ansible-playbook, but this was just never added. You could file an issue for enhancement in AWX. Someone could hypothetically contribute the feature.

github: AlanCoding