start-at-task arguments

I have ansible 1.9.4
Trying to understand the use of --start-at-task flag. I can start at a task by using something like “start the Cassandra instance” or if its in a role can use a | to separate the role from the task name “cassandra | start the Cassandra instance”. However I have several plays in my playbook and each of those plays are actually running the same role with a few different variables or hosts groups to setup different instances of the same application. For example when I run list-tasks:

play #6 (Install Cassandra App1): TAGS:
create Cassandra Directories TAGS:

copy and unzip DataStax TAGS:
configure cassandra config file TAGS:
configure cassandra-env file TAGS:

configure the cassandra site and rac config file for this node TAGS:
delete the existing symlink (if exists) TAGS:
create the symlink TAGS:
start the Cassandra instance TAGS:
status of the Cassandra instance TAGS:
show Cassandra status TAGS:

play #7 (Install Cassandra App2): TAGS:
create Cassandra Directories TAGS:

copy and unzip DataStax TAGS:
configure cassandra config file TAGS:
configure cassandra-env file TAGS:
configure the cassandra site and rac config file for this node TAGS:
delete the existing symlink (if exists) TAGS:
create the symlink TAGS:
start the Cassandra instance TAGS:
status of the Cassandra instance TAGS:
show Cassandra status TAGS:

If there were to be a failure during play#7 say ‘start the Cassandra instance’ failed and I went and fixed the issue and wanted to restart from that point, is that possible?
does the --start-at-task accept the format delivered by the --show-tasks option, for example:
–start-at-task “Install Cassandra App2 | start the Cassandra instance” or
–start-at-task “play #7 | start the Cassandra instance” or
–start-at-task “play #7 (Install Cassandra App2) | start the Cassandra instance”

Thank you