Splitting a variable length list into a list of lists


I’d like to take a list (of varying size) and split it into a list of lists, where each sub-list is at most N elements. I’m not certain where to start on this one. Advice welcome.

The background is that I’ve got a dynamically built list of packages for installation. For Centos 6.x, if the list is too large, the yum module will fail out, reporting “ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select()”. I’d like to split the large list into sub-lists, and process each sub-list with separate yum tasks. I’m not clear how I can use Jinja / Ansible to build that list of lists. I figure if I can craft the list of lists, I can use with_items on an include, where the include file will run the yum install on one sub-list at a time.

I’m open to other approaches on how to solve the problem.


Are you sure the size of the list is the source of your error? It sounds more like an “open files” issue. Whats the output of ulimit -n?

It’s a combination of both, actually. I can boost the nofile setting, but I’m still able to construct a large enough package list that it fails. Things work fine in Centos 7.x - I don’t know if the resolution arrived in python or in Centos.

I’m going to try using the batch filter for my sub-lists. I’d somehow missed it in my searching.

I think I have a working solution. The outer file has:

  • set_fact:
    batches: “{{ packages|batch(batch_size)|list }}”

  • include: run_installs.yml
    with_list: “{{ batches }}”
    loop_var: batch

Then run_installs.yml is simply:

  • name: Update and install
    state: latest
    name: “{{ item }}”
    with_items: “{{ batch }}”
    become: true
    become_user: root

I have to use with_list in the outer file since with_items will flatten lists (ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43902117/ansible-list-of-lists-flattening).
