package will just call yum module, the main difference is in the
'squashing', another check you can do to confirm this is set the env
var ANSIBLE_SQUASH_ACTIONS="apt,pkgng", which would avoid that in yum
(which is part of default list).
From the traceback you showed in your original message, it looks like
somehow you have an old version of the yum module being used with the
current rc1 for /usr/bin/ansible-playbook. items = pkgspec.split(',')
from the traceback message is no longer present in the yum module.
Perhaps there's some old version of ansible present on the machine and
its yum module is overriding the one from rc1 or you have the
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY environment variable set to some path where an
alternative yum module is living.
With a little investigation, I see the long listing of /usr/share/ansible/packaging shows all files with a date of April 2014, even though one level up they are all dated 11/23/15.
A couple days ago, I did an untar, make, make install of the package. Today, I attempted to reinstall pip because I was having these issues:
The modules are now installed in the ansible library directory
(something like /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/ ... varies a
little bit depending on the distribution that you are running). The
files in /usr/share/ansible are likely from an old install. I'd try
If you can then run your playbook/ansible commands and it still finds
its modules (hopefully now the up-to-date modules then you should
be able to rm -rf /usr/share/ansible.bak
Thanks! I found the paths on my machines so I could set them in my ansible.cfg file. I appreciate the tip!
For reference, I found the modules dirs in these two locations on my current control hosts:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules (Ubuntu 14.04)