Problem going from 0.9 to 1.1 - with_items: <complex-list> attached to include

The following works with 0.9 and earlier, but fails with 1.1 and trunk:


hosts: somehosts
user: ansible
sudo: yes
component: { ‘name’ : ‘tomcat6’ , ‘version’ : ‘6.0.24-48.el6_3’ }


  • include: tasks/task11.yml apps=$item
    with_items: [[ $component ]]


Looks like you are sending a list of lists when you should be sending a single list.

I believe we fixed a glitch where it would auto-flatten before, because it may be useful to preserve exactly what you requested.

In either way, it’s not really documented that lists of lists should magically flatten, so I think it working as advertised is acceptable.

You can fix this problem by changing [[ $foo ]] to [ $foo ]

I condensed this to illustrate the problem, I know I can pass in a list, that’s obvious, but that doesn’t represent our application structure.
Nowhere is it documented that a list of lists won’t flatten in this manner. Versions 0.8 through 1.0 flattened just fine in this manner while we were building the guts of our infrastructure.
This is a critical blocker for us; our base structure is 2-level. We don’t have a workaround.

Nor was it ever documented that they did flatten in this matter.

It seems like you were relying on a bug to me, for quite the opposite I say should be true, that you could pass lists of lists to with_items and expect the structure to be preserved. I know lots of content that would do that and index $item.0 and item.1, and it would be wrong to break those people because you were using an undocumented feature. Sorry.

You can definitely write your own “with_flattened” should you not wish to change whatever you are doing, using the 0.9 with_items as a guide.

I spent a couple of days and reworked this by transforming the problematic representation via jinja2 and python-land.
(This is an example of my observations in other posts on needing to go outside Ansible whenever one needs to do progressive logic)
The with_flattened path may make sense technically, but I chose not to go down that route because that will open us up to just a different mode of future incompatibility - well unless it can be done on top of an existing, maintained API.

Now that I’m through the worst of this, I will respond to some of your other comments in more detail later.

The filter plugins are a maintained API.

Please don’t imply they are not.

Correction, “lookup plugins”.

Then this is a valid path, good to know. No implication was intended, didn’t mean for it to come across that way.