As was mentioned in the Matrix room, it looks like the @Core representative was never updated here. Can we make sure that happens in the future?
The core is also not seen in votes
Next like the next after @sivel, so the current one, or next like the next after the current one (which we’re still looking for)?
Hah yes sorry, current. After me should be nitzmahone for the 3rd cycle.
In that case, can some please remove @sivel from the @SteeringCommittee and add @jimi? I either don’t have the permissions or I’m too stupid to do it.
Done. Also - SC folks should decide who has the rights to update that page. So far it’s @felixfontein, @gundalow, and @Andersson007. The last two are kind of gimmes because the community team all have admin rights here.
I think it makes sense to clean up this discussion, so that only the first post and the posts announcing the current SC member from Core are left. Is that ok for everyone? I would suggest that these posts are moved to another thread “Ansible Core Steering Committee Representative - Summer 2024 update” or something like that.
Sounds reasonable. But we should check if the link to the comment Permission to update the SC group is based on is magically updated or not. If it isn’t, we should update / fix it manually.
@admins, can you take care of that?
Sorry for the loooong delay. I finally split this discussion from Ansible Core Steering Committee Representative so we can keep that one clean. I fixed the link mentioned above. Let me know if anything else doesn’t work.
Thanks a lot @samccann!