Some help for newbie - EVENT_STREAM_BASE_URL is not configured in EDA

I have installed EDA and it working fine along with AWX in kubernetes cluster . But when i try to create new Event Stream in webUI it would give me this error :

EventStream of type Token Event Stream cannot be used because EVENT_STREAM_BASE_URL is not configured. Please check with your site administrator.

Not sure where to set this URL

Hi @guruthebond
I think it is a bug in the documentation of the operator. That variable is set by the operator but public_base_url must be defined.

Thank you Alex for prompt reply and explaining the issue, EDA operator i am right now using is as shown below 1.0.0, i tried using the 1.0.2 but when i access the URL it would just show me nginx welcome page

kubectl describe deployment eda-ui -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-ui:main
kubectl describe deployment eda-api -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-server:main
kubectl describe deployment eda-default-worker -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-server:main
kubectl describe deployment eda-redis -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: redis-6-c9s:latest
kubectl describe deployment eda-scheduler -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-server:main
kubectl describe deployment eda-server-operator-controller-manager -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-server-operator:1.0.0
kubectl describe deployment eda-activation-worker -n eda | grep “Image:”
Image: eda-server:main

i have deployed eda using this doc : awx-on-k3s/rulebooks at main · kurokobo/awx-on-k3s · GitHub

Not sure were do i set the public_base_url.

I added it in config file below and redeployed the operator but still issue is same

cat rulebooks/server/eda.yaml

kind: EDA
name: eda
ipv6_disabled: true
admin_user: admin
admin_password_secret: eda-admin-password

ingress_type: ingress
ingress_tls_secret: eda-secret-tls

#Added on 8th Jan 2024, to fix event stream creation issue

automation_server_ssl_verify: no

Hello @Alex-Izquierdo

Any idea where i can define public_base_url? or wait for updated operator release ?

Hi @guruthebond According to the documentation of the operator, the variable is public_base_url and must be defined in the EDA crd. I have personally checked that it is working. Make sure it has a valid value and it is correctly applied/deployed.

I have also created a bug report for the documentation and defaults.

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