I’ve written two modules to make Ansible work better on Solaris.
- A zone module to create and delete Solaris zones (pull request already submitted).
- A filesystem mount module; the Ansible mount module doesn’t work on Solaris as it’s /etc/vfstab format is different to Linux’s /etc/fstab format. The question I have is about the best way to submit the mount changes for inclusion in Ansible. At the moment, I’ve got the Solaris mount module as a separate module. Ideally this would be incorporated in the core mount module, but that would make it quite messy. Other modules that handle different operating systems seem to have a base class and a subclass for each operating system. The mount module isn’t written as a class so this isn’t going to work. So, is it better to have a separate module, or put the code in the existing one and put up with the messiness?