Site-wide reduced or disabled motion settings

As far as I can tell there isn’t a way to disable motion (animated gifs and the like) as a site wide setting, but maybe I’ve missed something? Semi-related to Disabling the animated fade effect on new posts - #4 by gwmngilfen (and I would also prefer to use dracula from a theme perspective, though “dark” is working ok). I’ve been looking through the upstream matrix forum feature requests about gifs and it seems the solution is to either click on every gif you encounter to stop them individually, or do a custom style. Is there something we can set to give users a site-wide “reduce motion effects” option such as what Discord has? Or maybe some folks who are way better at CSS than me would like to collaborate on an accessible Stylus style we can publish?

ETA: nevermind, the “dark” theme also has weird color transition effects when loading posts. Reduced motion is needed for more than just one or two themes for sure.


Thanks @jillr! We can definitely work on some alternative colour schemes. I’ll open a chat with Discourse tomorrow about accessible themes too.

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Thanks! And for me at least it’s less any one color scheme and more about how many things that move (like gifs) or visually change (these color swap things) while navigating the site.

Understood. This is likely a result of me not knowing enough about this stuff, but I can ask for a Discourse designer to help us out.

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Just to say I’ve raised a ticket with Discourse to see what options we have - my hope is that a second theme you can select in your prefs, with the needed CSS tweaks in, either (a) already exists or (b) can be made fairly easily.

In the meantime, working in parallel on what tweaks you need in Stylus sounds like a good idea, because it’ll help inform what goes into that custom theme.

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OK, some updates from CDCK (the makers of Discourse and our hosting provider):

That was from a few days ago, and then this morning:

All very positive, I think! I’ll let you know once this is deployed, and then you could help us test it @jillr?

  1. the fade-animations ↩︎


Discourse doesn’t have a setting for autoplay-gifs, but when “reduce motion” is enabled on the OS level all gifs should be paused by default

jill@zim:~$ gsettings get org.mate.Marco.general reduced-resources 
jill@zim:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations

Animations are disabled in MATE tweaks. Added gtk-enable-animations = false to my global gtk settings for good measure and relogged in.

Gifs still autoplay for me on both Chrome (116.0.5845.96) and Firefox (117.0) on MATE 1.24.0 so I don’t think OS settings are helping unless there’s something else OSX is doing that Linux has made extra hard. :wink:

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Updates from upstream:

Can you give that Firefox a setting @jillr?

The site was updated to latest a few hours ago, so the changes we mentioned above are also live now, assuming you can get the setting work at all :slight_smile:


That value is already set to true. I’ll spin up a VM with a different window manager this week and see if it’s a bug with MATE maybe.