Setting up ansible commad node and other node on one machine

Hello, I am a beginner in IT and also new to ansible also (I learned about it just today). I want to play around with ansible and my question is how do control my windows host machine as node from my wsl2 ubuntu (command node). I want begin with installing software on windows machine. All other resources on web say to get a linux cloud machine. But I cant afford it and also dont have a spare computer lying around.

Hi there,

Not too sure how this would work in a WSL setting, but assuming that the WSL Linux instance can connect to the Windows host via any means (SSH, Powershell Remoting), I’d say it’s perfectly possible to do what you want to do.

This post seems to go into some detail on how to reach the windows host from a WSL Linux distro.

When that’s working, ‘normal’ rules apply, it’s ‘just’ a remote machine :slight_smile: