I’m currently trying to implement SAML on AWX 1.0.3 in the IdP-initiated mode.
This is the current configuration:
AWX is behind a RP
Entity ID : aia-01
SAML Enabled IDP:{
“my IdP”: {
“url”: “https://idp_host/affwebservices/public/saml2sso?SPID=aia-01&ProtocolBinding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST”,
“entity_id”: “https://idp_host”,
“attr_user_permanent_id”: “User.surname”,
“x509cert”: “xxxxxxxxx” }}
When I request access to AWX via the IdP link, the browser receives the following SAML response from the IdP:
https://idp_host xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx https://idp_host xxx@xxxxx.com aia-01 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password xxxxxxx xxxxxxxHowever when this response is posted to AWX, I get the following error in awx_web container logs : 2018-06-07 14:01:09,395 ERROR social “‘RelayState’”.
Is something missing in the SAML response sent by the IdP ??
Thank you.