SAML integration error


I’m currently trying to implement SAML on AWX 1.0.3 in the IdP-initiated mode.

This is the current configuration:

  • AWX is behind a RP

  • ACS URL:

  • Entity ID : aia-01

  • SAML Enabled IDP:{

    “my IdP”: {

    “url”: “https://idp_host/affwebservices/public/saml2sso?SPID=aia-01&ProtocolBinding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST”,

    “entity_id”: “https://idp_host”,

    “attr_user_permanent_id”: “User.surname”,

    “x509cert”: “xxxxxxxxx” }}

When I request access to AWX via the IdP link, the browser receives the following SAML response from the IdP:

https://idp_host xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx https://idp_host aia-01 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

However when this response is posted to AWX, I get the following error in awx_web container logs : 2018-06-07 14:01:09,395 ERROR social “‘RelayState’”.

Is something missing in the SAML response sent by the IdP ??

Thank you.

The RelayState is passed to the IDP in the first GET request i.e.<base_64_stuff_here>&RelayState=westidp
In the POST reply the relay state should be included in the payload ie. RelayState: westidp

In your case RelayState should be RelayState: my IdP


I add the ReplayState to the first get as follow: https://idp_host/affwebservices/public/saml2sso?SPID=aia-01&ProtocolBinding=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST&RelayState=my IdP and it is included in the post to AWX. However I get the same error

Should I append the ReplayState=my idp to URL in the SAML Enabled IDP ?
