Hi everyone,
Been trying to setup Okta SAML authentication in AWX 9.0.1 and it keeps redirecting me to /#/login with a RelayState error, and I’m getting a bit confused.
Here’s my redacted Identity Provider configuration, maybe I’m missing something:
“okta”: {
“url”: “https://sidlee.okta.com/app/sidlee_ansibleawx_1/{entity_id}/sso/saml”,
“attr_last_nane”: “lastName”,
“attr_email”: “email”,
“attr_user_permanent_id”: “email”,
“x509cert”: “{okta-provided_cert}”,
“attr_username”: “userName”,
“attr_first_name”: “firstName”,
“entity_id”: “http://www.okta.com/{entity_id}”
In Okta, there’s nothing set in Relay State (it’s the default blank value)
My SSO URL, Recipient URL and Destination URL are all the same: https://ansible.domain.com/sso/complete/saml/ , with Audience Restriction as https://ansible.domain.com/sso/metadata/saml/
Not too sure where the issue might be at that point, and I can’t seem to be able to get additional information from the internet as not many people seem to be using Okta with AWX/Tower.
Thanks in advance!