Running AWX Playbooks in Debug Mode


Apologies in advance for asking a bit of a noddy question, but is there an AWX equivalent of enabling debug mode, the equivalent of using “-v(vv)” from the command line?

I’m using on an older version (13.0) which may not help my case, but Google seems to be giving me a lot of false matches for “AWX Debug” (mostly pulling matches for regular Ansible documentation). Alternative attempts at documentation searches seem to bring me to the RH Ansible Tower site, and I’m also struggling to find a version map between the two.


I never used 13.0, but on more current versions the trick is to edit the template and look around to the lower left. The label for the field is “Verbosity”, and you can set it to whatever you like then rerun your play.

Thanks for the reply Kevin, I knew it would be something I was staring right at. It’s also the Verbosity setting in 13.0. All sorted now :slight_smile:


At the awx gui job template the output verbosity setting is what you are looking for.