Hi Team,
I need a help for running a playbook from a python program. Following is the description of the setup.
I have a configuration database that contains following information
Variables for each host by role
Instance and role mapping
I am creating dynamic inventory JSON from database using a python (inventory.py). JSON sample output shown below.
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“dba”: {
“db-system” : {
“asm_diskgroup_diskDiscoveryString”: “/dev/mapper/*”,
“asm_diskgroup_disks”: “/dev/mapper/ocrvote1p1,/dev/mapper/ocrvote2p1,/dev/mapper/ocrvote3p1”,
“asmca_disk_db1”: “/dev/mapper/db1p1”,
“asmca_disk_db2”: “/dev/mapper/db2p1”,
“asmca_disk_fra”: “/dev/mapper/fra1”,
“asmca_disk_redo”: “/dev/mapper/redo1”,
“instances”: {
“hosts”: [
I have the root playbook (dba.yml) for application installation as shown below that I run to start installation on dba.
- hosts: dba
gather_facts: False
- ssh
- ntp
- db-system
I execute following command to run the playbook.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.py dba.yml
I want to write a python program to run the playbook with the inventory that I have in the database.
I have following questions
Can I load the inventory object from database in python ??
If yes, how do I do that ??
If no, can I use JSON output to load the inventory object ?? and how do I do that ??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Hrishikesh