Hello to everyone
I’m quite new to Ansible.
I have used the Python API for ansible to connect to a few servers I have,
I want to get the inventory list for the python script from MySQL server, so as far as I understood the list should be in Json format (this is because each host have different ports)
But when I run the script I get a error that ansible couldn’t connect to the server:
This is the error i’m getting:
UP ***********
FAILED *******
DOWN *********
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“”: {
“ansible_host”: “” >>> Failed to connect to the host via ssh.
This is the full json I’m sending to the host_list variable in the python script
js = {“group”: {“hosts”: [“”, “”], “vars”: {“ansible_user”: “user”, “ansible_port”: 22}}, “_meta”: {“hostvars”: {“”: {“ansible_host”: “”, “ansible_user”: “user”, “ansible_port”: “22”}, “”: {“host_specific_var”: “foo”}}}}
And this is the error i’m getting:
UP ***********
FAILED *******
DOWN *********
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“”: {
“ansible_host”: “” >>> Failed to connect to the host via ssh.
This ansible can connect to this server if i ping it using ansible (ansible -m ping | SUCCESS => {
“changed”: false,
“ping”: “pong”
the python script I took from here:
And I just send into the host_list variable the JSON.
Any thought of why my script doesn’t work ?
Thank you evreyone