First question:
Is there any possibility to pass dynamic inventory as a pure json structure?
I have got a small app that is written in python and flask, that listen for some data (finally it is in json format) from other system. Based on this data I prepare _meta structure like below:
‘hosts’: {
‘hosts’: [‘host001’, ‘host001’],
‘vars’: {
‘var01’: “value01”,
‘_meta’: {
‘hostvars’: {
‘host001’: { ‘var001’ : “value02” },
‘host002’: { ‘var002’: “value03” }
Using this structure I’m creating inventory script that returns above code. Than based on ansible Python API documentation I run ansible task using some playbook and inventory script.
In above documentation you can find: “# create inventory, use path to host config file as source or hosts in a comma separated string inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=sources)”
And now is my question: is there any easy way to pass above inventory not as a “/path/to/inventory_script” but as a pure json structure?
I have read about ansible-runner project which can be simpler implementation of creating and runnning ansible task (instead of pure API) but there I still have to pass “/path/to/file” as inventory.
Now I’m reading about writing my own plugin for ansible but maybe there is an easier way to do what I mentioned above. Maybe you have some other suggestions.
Best Regards