I wish to be able to get the name and filesize of all files under /var/spool/mail. I was trying to do this with the following:
- name: Stat mail dir
path: “{{ item }}”
- “/var/spool/mail/*”
register: mail_dir
I do not understand how to reference the resulting variable’s output. How would I go about iterating through the various sub items and sizes?
Looking for output such as:
root: 4096
gomer: 124587
pyle: 0
I have been reviewing the docs (perhaps the wrong ones), and I don’t quite understand.
I know I can do this easily with shell, but I am trying to understand how to retrieve information from variables created with a loop.
Probably there are better ways, but I can do it like so:
command: “ls {{directory}}”
register: dir_out
debug: var={{item}}
with_items: dir_out.stdout_lines
path: “{{ directory }}/{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ dir_out.stdout_lines }}”
register: st
name: porint
debug: “msg={{ st }}”
mystat: “{{ st.results }}”
name: pp
debug: “msg={{ item.stat.path }},{{ item.stat.size }}”
with_items: “{{ mystat }}”
you pass the directory like:
ansible-playbook -vv -i hosts pb.yaml -e “directory=/someting/”
I wish to be able to get the name and filesize of all files under
/var/spool/mail. I was trying to do this with the following:
- name: Stat mail dir
path: "{{ item }}"
- "/var/spool/mail/*"
register: mail_dir
with_* only work on ansible controller, not on remote host.
So you are probably looking for the find module.
I do not understand how to reference the resulting variable's output. How
would I go about iterating through the various sub items and sizes?
Looking for output such as:
root: 4096
gomer: 124587
pyle: 0
I have been reviewing the docs (perhaps the wrong ones), and I don't quite
- find:
paths: /var/spool/mail
register: r
- debug: msg='{{ item.path | basename }}: {{ item.size }}'
with_items: '{{ r.files }}'
If you like the result in the file you could do this
- copy:
content: |
{% for i in r.files %}
{{ i.path | basename }}: {{ i.size }}
{% endfor %}
dest: /path/to/file
Thanks to both of you. Gave me great ideas. I implemented and tweaked Kai’s suggestion due to simplicity.