use fetch module with wild card or best way to grab different name file from several hosts


I have created a log file using ansible an have named the log file with the host name. I need to fetch that file from all my hosts and put it in a directory on the control server. However, it runs fine but does not copy the files over. Here is my cmds.

  • name: “Find needsreboot.log file”
    paths: /dir/
    patterns: “*.needsreboot.log” I have also tried $HOSTNAME-needsreboot.log

fetch: src: /dir/*.needsreboot.log
dest: /dir on control server/logs
flat: yes

thank you,

fetch does not support wildcards, register the data from find and use
that in loop in fetch

So how would it look?

this explains it.

I’m pretty new to Ansible and I am doing something wrong when I try it with variables. All I get is errors now. and I have not even gotten to the loop part yet.

  • name: “check if files exsists”
    shell: /path/*-needsreboot.log
    register: log_result
    ignore_errors: True

when: log_result.rc == 5

  • name: “Find needsreboot.log file”
    paths: /dir/
    patterns: “*.needsreboot.log” I have also tried $HOSTNAME-needsreboot.log

fetch: src: /dir/*.needsreboot.log I have also tried $HOSTNAME-needsreboot.log
dest: /dir on control server/logs
flat: yes

Could some one please help with an example of this and loop.

Changed to check the file exists

  • name: Make sure file exists
    path: /root/*-needsreboot.log
    state: touch

still need an example for fetch and loop if that is needed or variable and loop.