i am trying to use “ipmitools” to check power status and based on the result i will start/reset the server.But i am not able to continue as register: and looping are not working .Is there any alternate approach for achieving below?
- hosts: compute
gather_facts: no
vars_files:- input.yml
name: check Power status of target
local_action: command ipmitool -I lanplus -H {{item.console}} -U {{item.consoleuser}} -P {{item.consolepassword}} power status
with_items:“{{ computeserver1 }}”
when: item.console and item.consoleuser and item.consolepassword is defined
register: powername: check Debug
debug: var=power.stdoutname: Power Reset
local_action: command ipmitool -I lanplus -H {{item.console}} -U {{item.consoleuser}} -P {{item.consolepassword}} power reset
with_items:“{{ computeserver1 }}”
when: item.console and item.consoleuser and item.consolepassword is defined and power.stdout.find(‘Chassis Power is on’) != -1name: Power On
local_action: command ipmitool -I lanplus -H {{item.console}} -U {{item.consoleuser}} -P {{item.consolepassword}} power on
with_items:“{{ computeserver1 }}”
when: item.console and item.consoleuser and item.consolepassword is defined and power.stdout.find(‘Chassis Power is off’) != -1
Thanks for any help