below is my task to check the job completed status for the set of ips, and for an ip approximately taking 15 mins to get the status. if i am having 5 number of ips its taking too long to complete my task.
so i am looking for parallel options to check for this particular task. is is passible to do that?
if yes can anyone guide me pls.
name: Run status check
vm_ip: “{{ item }}”
url: “”
register: status_check
with_items: “{{ available_ips }}”
async: 900 # Adjust the timeout based on the expected maximum time to complete the task (15 minutes)
poll: 0
name: Wait for all tasks to complete
jid: “{{ item.ansible_job_id }}”
register: job_result
until: job_result.finished
retries: 30 # Adjust as needed
delay: 60 # Adjust as needed
with_items: “{{ status_check.results }}”