IDRAC in DELL R610 with ipmi_power


I am trying to power management by “impi_power”

First, I had checked the “ipmitool” is working on Ansible-Controller like below.

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P password power status
Chassis Power is on

Here is my playbook.

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# cat Host-Power_Off-01.yml

I am trying to power management by "impi_power"

First, I had checked the "ipmitool" is working on Ansible-Controller like

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U root -P
password power status
Chassis Power is on

Here is my playbook.

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# cat Host-Power_Off-01.yml
- name: Power Off to Host - TEST
   hosts: DELL-R610
   - name: Power OFF Server
       name: ""
       user: "root"
       password: "password"
       timeout: 600
       state: "on"

when i ran it, it was failed like below.
would you please let me know what is wrong in my playbook?

This playbook is logging in to the host DELL-R610 to run the Ansible module ipmi_power.
But I guess you would like to run the mdoule ipmi_power on the ansible controller aka localhost?

If so you need to delegate the task to localhost with "delegate_to: localhost" or setting the "connection: local" in the play.

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# ansible-playbook Host-Power_Off-01.yml

PLAY [Power Off to Host - TEST]

TASK [Gathering Facts]
fatal: [DELL-R610]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to
connect to the host via ssh: root@dell-r610: Permission denied
(password).", "unreachable": true}
         to retry, use: --limit @/root/Host-Power_Off-01.retry

In this message you can see that Ansible is trying to login with root@dell-r610

Hi… Kai!

Thank you so much your help!
after change my playbook like below, it is working successfully.

Have a nice weekend!

root@ubuntu-Ansible:~# cat Host-Power_Off-01.yml