receptor: Could not close connection

Hi list,

receptor logs see the following messages on my AWX hybrid node (not on the exec nodes):

WARNING 2023/04/26 16:15:58 Could not read in control service: read unix /var/run/awx-receptor/receptor.sock->@: use of closed network
WARNING 2023/04/26 16:15:58 Could not close connection: close unix /var/run/awx-receptor/receptor.sock->@: use of closed network conne
WARNING 2023/04/26 16:15:58 Could not copy to stdout file /tmp/receptor/awx/Axr4aHpF/stdout: read operation cancelled
ERROR 2023/04/26 16:16:02 Exceeded retries for reading stdout /tmp/receptor/awx/Rp7f6jsd/stdout

Everything seems to work. Does anyone know what this means or how I can debug this further?
The receptor.conf can be found here.


those warnings messages are usually benign and can probably be ignored (we see them in logs all of the time)

The error message could be an issue, but might be expected if the job was cancelled in awx or similar.

are you having any behavioral issues at the AWX level? i.e. jobs not running, failing, etc.?

AWX Team

No, issues at AWX level.

Can I somehow map the receptor id (e.g. “Axr4aHpF”) to a job id?

you can find the receptor work id in the AWX API, e.g. api/v2/jobs/ look for field “work_unit_id”

AWX Team