Remote Receptor Instance Not working


Hi Team,
I am trying the latest awx-operator.
I create a new Instance in AWX on default port 27199 ( REHL 8.4)
Downloaded the bundle and installed receptor and other configuration on the VM.
While running a job I get below error
Traceback (most recent call last): File “/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/awx/main/tasks/”, line 435, in _run_internal lines = resultfile.readlines() OSError: read() should have returned a bytes object, not ‘NoneType’ During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/awx/main/tasks/”, line 604, in run res = File “/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/awx/main/tasks/”, line 317, in run res = self._run_internal(receptor_ctl) File “/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/awx/main/tasks/”, line 444, in _run_internal raise RuntimeError(detail) RuntimeError: exit status 1

On awx-ee pod logs I am getting
ERROR 2023/05/29 12:24:30 write unix /var/run/receptor/receptor.sock->@: write: broken pipe
ERROR 2023/05/29 12:24:30 Write error in control service: write unix /var/run/receptor/receptor.sock->@: write: broken pipe

Please help!

We’d like to gather a bit more information from you. Please let us know which version of AWX you are on. Please also let us know if you are consistently receiving that error message.

Could you bump the AWX Task pod to recreate the ee container? Restarting the service may resolve this for you.

Please also let us know if any of the jobs launch correctly. Does the demo job launch when run with the default container group?

-AWX Team

AWX version 22.3
I am getting this error consistently, This is the first time I am
trying this feature and failing.
I also tried restarting the service many times, no luck :frowning:
The demo job launched correctly with the default container group. But
it does not work with an external execution node.

Could it be because there is no receptorctl binary in $PATH OOB in
awx-ee container?

Hi Team,

Is there a Dedicated support model for AWX? Can I connect with
someone? I can arrange for a budget for this support.

Kindly connect with me on my email or Mobile - +919673330911


awx is open source and there is no support other than the community. if you want a supported solution you need to purchase ansible automation from redhat.

As mentioned above, AWX is open source and the community can help.

Ansible Automation Platform, which includes Automation Controller (AWX), and lots more is available via Automation Controller overview.

Kind regards

Tower is the commercial version with support option, Awx is community based

I understand , Can I get some ideas to solve this problem.

I tried running receptorctl CLI inside of awx-ee pod and it worked for me on remote on exexution.

This means remote execution node receptor is working fine.

Running the same playbook from AWX job template is not working.

Any idea or direction please?

is your awx-ee container staying healthy during the job run? the broken socket pipe suggests that maybe receptor is crashing

after a job fails, can you run “kubectl get pods” and copy and paste the output here? I’d like to see if the task container shows signs of restarting the awx-ee container

AWX Team

Hi Team,

Is podman mandatory for remote execution node? Do I need to install remote node through bundle only?


technically ansible-runner accepts “–process-isolation-executable” argument that can specify podman or docker, but I don’t believe awx exposes that to users. In that case, podman is required.

You don’t kneed to run the playbook per se. However you do need the SSL certificates, keys, and CA that are included in the install bundle download.

AWX Team