rebooting host

I am following trying to use ansible to reboot hosts.
My problem is that the wait_for always reaches the full timeout+delay (without failure). why is that?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ansible 1.9.4
Tested on Fedora 23 and RHEL 7



- name: restart machine
  shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered"
  async: 1
  poll: 0
  sudo: true
  ignore_errors: true

- name: waiting for server to come back
  delegate_to: localhost
  sudo: no
      host: "{{ host }}"
      state: started
      delay: "{{ boot_delay }}"
      timeout: "{{ boot_timeout }}"

- name: wait for ssh
  delegate_to: localhost
  sudo: no
      host: "{{ host }}"
      port: "{{ ssh_port }}"
      search_regex: OpenSSH
      timeout: "{{ ssh_timeout }}"



Try specifying a port on the wait_for command. According to the documentation, if you don’t specify a port (or path), it just waits for the timeout to expire, which seems to be what you’re seeing. Possible just use the SSH port check as that’s what you really care about.