Hi all,
I’m trying to write a playbook that patches and reboots a server if necessary to apply kernel updates, etc. When I run it, it reboots and loses the connection instead of applying the wait_for piece.
Any ideas?
Here’s my playbook:
- name: Updating Servers
hosts: stig-test-lx
gather_facts: true
name: Update to latest of all pkgs
name: “*”
state: latest
name: See if needs to reboot to apply kernel
shell: “LAST_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --last kernel | awk ‘NR==1{sub(/kernel-/,""); print $1}’); CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r); if [ $LAST_KERNEL != $CURRENT_KERNEL ]; then echo ‘reboot’; else echo ‘no’; fi”
ignore_errors: true
register: reboot_hint
name: Rebooting …
command: shutdown -r +1 “Rebooting due to kernel updates”
async: 30
poll: 0
ignore_errors: true
when: reboot_hint.stdout.find(“reboot”) != -1
name: Waiting for system to come back up
host: “{{ (ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}”
port: 22
search_regex: OpenSSH
delay: 10
timeout: 180
when: reboot_hint.stdout.find(“reboot”) != -1
ansible_connection: local
Note: I commented out the “when” to test the reboot regardless.
Hi all,
I'm trying to write a playbook that patches and reboots a server if
necessary to apply kernel updates, etc. When I run it, it reboots and
loses the connection instead of applying the *wait_for* piece.
Any ideas?
Here's my playbook:
- name: Updating Servers
hosts: stig-test-lx
gather_facts: true
- name: Update to latest of all pkgs
name: "*"
state: latest
- name: See if needs to reboot to apply kernel
shell: "LAST_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --last kernel | awk
'NR==1{sub(/kernel-/,\"\"); print $1}'); CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r); if [
$LAST_KERNEL != $CURRENT_KERNEL ]; then echo 'reboot'; else echo 'no'; fi"
ignore_errors: true
register: reboot_hint
- name: Rebooting ...
command: shutdown -r +1 "Rebooting due to kernel updates"
async: 30
poll: 0
ignore_errors: true
when: reboot_hint.stdout.find("reboot") != -1
+1 in shutdown means wait 1 minute before rebooting.
- name: Waiting for system to come back up
host: "{{
(ansible_ssh_host|default(ansible_host))|default(inventory_hostname) }}"
port: 22
search_regex: OpenSSH
delay: 10
timeout: 180
# when: reboot_hint.stdout.find("reboot") != -1
ansible_connection: local
Your delay is only 10 seconds, so by the time it checks(after 10s) the machine is still on and port 22 is very much alive.
So your delay must be at least 60s + the time it takes for the machine to stop ssh.
If you want to do this a little faster you can use this task
- name: Reboot
shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now
async: 1
poll: 0
And if you are on Ansible 2.3 or newer I recommend using wait_for_connection instead of wait_for.
wait_for_connection waits until the system is capable/ready to run Ansible code and not just that ssh has started.
Awesome! Thanks for that little tidbit regarding the wait_for_connection! That’s huge!
I think you need to increase the poll