Question regarding migrating from ansible tower production environment to testing awx environment

Hi Team,

We usually maintain production environment of ansible tower on virtual machines and there is a team that has organization under which it has credentials/projects/inventories/templates and notification templates. They stood up a test AWX instance in K8s they would like to use ansible tower for production but they would like to test few things in AWX in K8s but they want to have there organization credentials/projects/inventories/templates and notification templates migrated/replicated to awx so that way they can test few things and replicate them in production ansible tower in future. Any ideas/documentation would be grateful.

Rakesh Boinapally

Any Help would be much appreciated
Rakesh Boinapally

There is no direct correlation from AWX to Controller so you can’t migrate the database or anything like that. You could look into either the awxkit CLI or look at the awx.awx collection. awxkit CLI has import/export features which may allow you to migrate assets between the two instances assuming AWX and Controller are close enough in feature parity. There have been other threads on the mailing list regarding migrating between different versions of AWX that may also help you.

-The AWX Team

Thanks for the reply
I have question on this tower-cli example below this is going to copy everything from one host to another host.Does tower-cli provide option like copy assets associated with one particular organization in awx to another awx host

Copy all assets from one instance to another $ tower-cli receive --tower-host --all | tower-cli send --tower-host

You may try the awxkit import/export (or awx collection) instead of tower-cli (which is deprecated). awxkit does allow you to export particular resources

AWX Team

here are the docs for awxkit