Ansible Tower Dashboard to Ansible AWX Dashboard migration

Hi Community,

We are planning to migrate our existing Ansible Tower Dasboard to Ansible AWX tower. Is there any API or process defined to migrate Projects, Templates &Inventory from existing tower dashboard to awx dashboard.

Hey Gowtham,

Ansible Tower is a product sold and supported by Red Hat. AWX is an open source project that Tower is based on. There is no supported upgrade path between the two.

Did you look at tower-cli?

So there is no way of migrating Ansible tower dashboard projects to AWX dashboard. Creating project from scratch is the only solution?

There is t a supported method but Tower-cli might be able to do some of what you’re looking for.

tower-cli can migrate objects between awx instances, I expecyt it could work with tower instances, too.
also, if you want to migrate credentials, have a look at