Pulling list of content views from satellite using ansible

I am trying to create an ansible playbook that pulls down a list of content views from satellite, then creates new versions of the content views.

Creating new versions of the content views is easy, but trying to get a simple list of content_views has been driving me crazy.

I’ve tried using

  • redhat.satellite.content_view
  • redhat.satellite.resource_info

Examples i have found just dont work.

- name: Fetch all content views
    server_url: "https://satellite.example.com"
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"
    validate_certs: false
  register: content_views

- name: Display content views
    msg: "Content view: {{ item.name }} with ID: {{ item.id }}"
  loop: "{{ content_views.results }}"

Just coming back with too much information and not the list i’m looking for.

If you post the output and and explain how you need it to be filtered then someone might be able to help?