Pulling list of content views from satellite using ansible

I am trying to create an ansible playbook that pulls down a list of content views from satellite, then creates new versions of the content views.

Creating new versions of the content views is easy, but trying to get a simple list of content_views has been driving me crazy.

I’ve tried using

  • redhat.satellite.content_view
  • redhat.satellite.resource_info

Examples i have found just dont work.

- name: Fetch all content views
    server_url: "https://satellite.example.com"
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"
    validate_certs: false
  register: content_views

- name: Display content views
    msg: "Content view: {{ item.name }} with ID: {{ item.id }}"
  loop: "{{ content_views.results }}"

Just coming back with too much information and not the list i’m looking for.