Proposals process proposal... round 2!

Hi folks:

The Proposals proposal … progresses forward.

Just to catch folks up: This doc ( captured the original proposed proposal process. (The original was ansible/docs/proposals – and was moved over after an IRC meeting discussion.)

Turns out that using PRs to capture comments after the PR has been merged is awkward as far as tracking and comments go. And since we’ve already made the move to keep proposals in a separate repo, maybe just using Github issues makes more sense – then we can use labels and the template for issues in that repo as we see fit.

More info is included in the issue listed above – feel free to comment there. Would love to get this poked along so people know what to do… and keep it simple. :slight_smile: (And to those of you who have proposals already written in PRs, we’ll figure out how to handle them without making you stuff it all into an issue :D)

