Proper service type of AWX

I’m facing with problem regarding AWX deployment on k8s. Currently my deployment is set to nodeport (target port 30080). K8s environment consists of 1 master node and 2 workers. Node IPs let’s say are:

  • - master node
  • - worker1
  • - worker2
    For deployment I’m using helm chart. Currently I can access to AWX via all IPs on nodeport port (master and both workers). The goal is to be able access AWX via only master node IP on port 80 (in future I want to use TLS so access will be via port 443 and domain name (for example I’m completely new to k8s and as far as read, I should use service type load balancer or ingress (one of these) but I’m lost at the stage of implementation service type different than nodeport. In k8s documentation I found that deployment manifest should be edited but as far I’m using helm I have not this type of manifest. Maybe I should change something in service manifest? Here is my ansible-awx.yaml service manifest:


