I have an issue regarding installation of awx operator, Im using ubuntu vm and this is the link that I follow https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-ansible-awx-on-ubuntu-linux/
Im confuse on this step, you can check the attachment. Do you know how to fix this? thankyou
Hi @Saber,
Can you post the output of the following:
kubectl get all -n awx
Assuming you followed the linked guide, this will show us what port the AWX UI is running on as well as if all the necessary pods and services are started.
Best regards,
Hi @iwt-cmd this is the output I’m getting. I don’t know what ip address I should use when accessing awx web.
See the part below the commercial in the image that you posted:
Best documentation on how to install AWX on k3s that I found is by Kurokobo:
100% agree on kurokobo’s guide. It’s what I used to first deploy AWX.
The AWX UI is under the “awx-service” service and, by default, will be exposed internally on port 80 (http). The NodePort service model takes an ephemeral port on the local system (31742 in this case) and forwards that to the port the service is listening on. So to access the AWX login/web UI, you would go to:
TMK, AWX doesn’t deploy with TLS by default so you will use “http” not “https”. This can and should be changed for long term or non-lab deployments but I would get everything working before you look at layering on the encryption complexity.
The ephemeral port can change if you redeploy the service. If you run into issues loading the UI, check the port again and make sure the firewall on your K3S server is allowing the port or disable the firewall service altogether (similar considerations for security when looking at lab vs long term/prod deployments).
Best regards,