Problem with wildfly with Ansible

Hey !!

I have one problem with wildfly service.
In fact, when i use this command : systemctl start wildfly10.service this service wildfly not run and when i show status he is failed.

Same on the serveur or with Ansible, wildfly not want run.
The message error when i use systemctl status wildfly10.service is :

● wildfly10.service - Wildfly 10 Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/wildfly10.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2019-07-31 09:21:34 CEST; 23s ago
Process: 18953 ExecStart=/opt/wildfly10/bin/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 18953 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: Message: Unexpected element ‘sys…’
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: at org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLMappe…)
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: at org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLMappe…)
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: at…)
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: … 3 more
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: 09:21:34,738 FATAL […
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]: 09:21:34,766 INFO […s
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host[18953]:
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host systemd[1]: wildfly10.service: main process exited, c…RE
Jul 31 09:21:34 my_host systemd[1]: Unit wildfly10.service entered failed state.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

I am very furious because my deploiement application not work because i have problem with wildfly !!! ><

I have found in the internet without answer :frowning:

Thanks for your help community Ansible !!! :slight_smile:

Help meee please !!!



Hey Karther!

If you service wildfly10 not working after systemctl start wildfly10.service command, which not related to ansible then there is a problem directly in wildfly10, not ansible. Please ask better support or community of that service. Ansible here is not a problem.


Ok because i don’t want submit compte on 500 plateforme different, i think that one person have any idea.

Thanks for your help,


When i lose something you will not find it in place which just have enough light to let you see, right? I will find in a place where you lose it.

Here is a place where persons have an ideas, like place with enough light, but you don’t lose here what you try to find. You can find answer on a question on a specific to application place. Ansible is not. As any other, not related to wildfly10, community probably will not help you. Look in a right place.

ср, 31 июл. 2019 г. в 10:32, Karther <>:

When you lose something you will not find it in place which just have enough light to let you see, right? I will find in a place where you lose it.

Here is a place where persons have an ideas, like place with enough light, but you didn’t lose here what you try to find. You can find an answer on a question in a specific to application place. Ansible is not. As any other, not related to wildfly10, community probably will not help you. Look in a right place - community wildfly10.

ср, 31 июл. 2019 г. в 10:36, Михаил Политаев <>:


I have solve my problem, in fact i chack the file standalone.xml of my application and there had synthax error.



Glad to hear!

ср, 31 июл. 2019 г., 14:40 Karther <>:


Thank you Михаил Политаев !! :slight_smile:

The packet in linux who do check xml file is apt-get install libxml2-utils for people who are interested :wink:

And the command line is xmllint --format my_file.xml


