problem with installing ansible

unfortunately I can’t install ansible using pip:
sudo pip install git+

I dont know why but cloning did not finished after about an hour.
Collecting ansible==1.9.3-edx from git+
Cloning (to stable-1.9.3-rc1-edx) to /tmp/pip-build-cOVoEc/ansible … and the screen stop

Perhaps because of a certificate error

I tried to download the specific version from Github and then installing it.
pip install ~/

I succeed but when i try the next command
sudo ansible-playbook -c local ./edx_sandbox.yml -i “localhost,”

ERROR: command is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler

Is there any way for me to install Open Edx ?

You could test whether this is in fact a certificate problem by using:

pip --trusted-host

or alternatively by cloning the repository by hand, checking out the desired tag/release/sha and having pip install from the local directory:

git clone git+
git checkout
pip install ./ansible

Hopefully this helps you, but this not really a problem with Ansible.