Can't install ansible properly with pip and devel branch

I am using:

sudo pip install git+

pip install git+ --user

to install ansible. I have uninstalled any previous versions. I am using python 3.8.

After installation is complete, I do not have the “ansible”, “ansible-playbook”, etc commands. In the past, pip installation would also provide me with those. As a workaround I am using ansible from a local git checkout and sourcing ansible/hacking/env-setup every time I start work.

What could be wrong?


I am using:

sudo pip install git+

pip install git+ --user

to install ansible. I have uninstalled any previous versions. I am
using python 3.8.

have you installed previous versions *before* installing ansible-base
from git? (The ansible/ansible repository no longer contains ansible,
but ansible-base.)


In the past, yes I had, also from the devel branch using pip.

At one point, I decided to update and re-installed ansible using pip from the devel branch. I got weird errors, searched, found out I had to remove previous version, I uninstalled everything and then re-installed the devel branch.

Can it be that ansible-lint breaks it?


Can it be that ansible-lint breaks it?

that's very likely, since it has a dependency on ansible, which right
now means ansible 2.9. The situation will get better once Ansible 2.10.0
is released (i.e. later this month).


Will installing ansible-lint from its development branch help?


Will installing ansible-lint from its development branch help?

probably not, since it requires ansible >= 2.8:

If you install the other dependencies manually and install it without
automatically installing dependencies, it should work though.


OK thanks a lot!