Privilege escalation not working


I am trying to execute an Ad-Hoc command which requires sudo privileges on a remote machine.

Below is the command and the error it throws up

kaushik@Machine_1:~$ ansible all -a “cat /etc/shadow” -u kaushik --ask-become-pass
SUDO password: | FAILED | rc=1 >>
cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied


If I ssh to the machine and execute the same command “cat /etc/shadow” , it works without any errors.

Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance,


Mobile right now, but looks like you need a become method and or become user.

--ask-become-pass doesn't imply become so you need add -b or --become to use become.

Hi Kai,

After posting this question, I went through the Ansible documentation again. It’s working after using the -b and -K option as I have not configured passwordless sudo.

Thanks for the reply.