Printing items in a file using lineinfile/blockinfile

Hi All,

I am currently working on a playbook where in i need to write the output of SQL statement into a file .
I have 4 SQL statement and 4 hosts thus want the output in such a way that:
1st host
SQL1 output
SQL2 Output
SQL3 output
SQL4 Output
2nd host … and so on

Currently i am using this code:

  • name: trying something new
    line: “{{ item }}”
    path: “{{ VlclFile }}”
    insertafter: EOF
    loop: “{{ testing }}”
    delegate_to: localhost

which gives output in the format as i want for eg:

xxx:xxVC1:user: control_file_record_keep_time integer 365
yyy:yyy:user: control_file_record_keep_time integer 365

but the output comes in a random order and thus statement 1 output for host 1 is followed by statement 1 for host 2 and not statement 2 of host 1.

Anyone can help me with this .

Other block of code which i tried is as followed:

#- name: Add output of task for getting content to the local


module: blockinfile

path: “{{ VlclFile }}”

marker: “”

state: present

block: “{{ hostvars[item][‘testing’]}}”

insertafter: EOF

run_once: True


- “{{ play_hosts }}”

but in this its giving me output in the form of a list and not items per se eg:

[a: value 1,b:value2]

[a: value 1,b:value2]

You shoul provide the output of testing . Is it variable or register . Give us some more info


Hi Vinod,

Its a list variable containing SQL statement outputs for 2-3 statements .