lineinfile block missing last line


Sorry for duplicating post here, I did not get any response from ansible-project.

I tried to insert flowing block, but the last was never inserted because that line has already existed for other block in the config file. How can I make it work?

  • name: “add test block”
    lineinfile: insertafter=“{{ item.after }}” line=“{{ item.line }}” dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf state=present
  • { after: ‘EOF’, line: ‘<Location /test>’ }
  • { after: ‘^<Location /test>’, line: ‘ProxyPass ajp://localhost:9000/api’ }
  • { after: ‘^ProxyPass ajp://localhost:9000/api’, line: ‘’ }
    sudo: true

Thank you.

  • hce


Consider using blockinfile module, which is exactly designed for such tasks.

The module is available via blockinfile role in Ansible Galaxy so you can easily import it into your playbook.
