iterating over stdout_lines list

I want ansible to create a csv file for me. For example I need the output to be in this format:

Server, User, Approve, Remove
serverA, user1,X,
serverA, user2,X
ServerA, user3,X
ServerB, user1,X
ServerC, user1,X
ServerC, user2,X

In order to do this I need to iterate over a var I registered. ie:


I have also been trying trying things similar to the following and receiving errors that the index is out of range:


  • name: Create CSV file
    dest: “/tmp/prod_admin_users.csv”
    line: “{{ host }},{{ item }},X,”
    insertafter: EOF
    state: present
    delegate_to: localhost
  • “{{ other_users.split(‘\n’) }}”

Multiple task editing the same file seldom work.
Instead I would use the copy module with Jinja template like this

- copy:
     content: |
       Server,User,Approve,Remove,Reviewed by: YourNameHere
       {% for host in ansible_play_hosts %}
       {% for user in hostvars[host].other_users.stdout_lines %}
       {{ host }},{{ user }},X,
       {% endfor %}
     dest: /tmp/prod_admin_users.csv
   delegate_to: localhost
   run_once: true

Works perfectly! I never heard of Jinja before getting into Ansilble a year ago. I will have to go study up on jinja templating. I can see how your example works though. Thank you.