Prevent Vscode extension from creating .ansible in my project root

I’ve been using the Ansible Vscode extension for some time now and recently I’ve noticed that it’s been creating empty .ansible directories in my project root directories.

Is there a way that I can prevent the extension from creating these files, or maybe configure it to write them somewhere else? Rather than add them to .gitignore, I’d prefer that they weren’t created in the first place.

VS code version: 1.98.2
Ansible extension version: 25.3.0

Hello @tbowers,

If you follow proper dev rules with vscode, all local/cache files like .ansible should go in .gitignore. Only code and config should be versioned.
Builds shouldn’t rely on local folders, that’s the job of your devops pipeline (like gitlab ci).

Almost every language or tool creates temp or config files in the project folder .venv, node_modules, .pytest_cache, etc.
you don’t commit those either.

Keeping it clean avoids clutter and makes your repo predictable for everyone.