Ansible IDE with syntax help


I wondered if someone could advise me what the best IDE to use for Ansible is?

I want to be able to use a plugin for syntax/indentation help

I am a begineer so appologies if this is a basic question and appreciate any help


During Ansiblefest 2021, multiple presenters said they were now using Microsoft Virtual Studio Code (VSCODE available at no cost on Win10, Mac, & Linux) with the no-cost RedHat Ansible extension. Of course that is one of many options but VSCODE has been well received by many.

Thanks for the advice Pat much appreciated

will the RedHat Ansible extension assist with syntax and indentation errors?

I have used it before I knew about the Ansible extension, and it supports YAML right out of the box, so that might help. Also, I use an extension called Indent Rainbow which has been REALLY helpful in debugging indentation errors.

During Ansiblefest 2021, multiple presenters said they were now using Microsoft Virtual Studio Code (VSCODE available at no cost on Win10, Mac, & Linux) with the no-cost RedHat Ansible extension. Of course that is one of many options but VSCODE has been well received by many.

I’ve been using Vim for years and it works like a charm.

Hi All, Thanks for all the help so far, much appreciated. I have installed the red hat extension and got the above error, would anyone be able to help me resolve it?

Thanks In Advance


You need to install ansible-lint separately. There are instructions on the web how to do it for your OS